7 Social Media Marketing Secrets No One’s Telling You About

Jul 7, 2020 | Social Media

Surely and quickly, social media marketing is becoming one of the most important ways for businesses to reach their target market. But why?

How come social media provides such incredible benefits? Wasn’t it not too long ago that social platforms were only used to connect with family & friends?

The truth is, over the past few years, things have changed. A lot! Today, over 90% of marketers have noticed how social media has significantly increased their exposure. And this can only mean 1 thing: if you’re not using social media to your advantage, you’re missing out on an incredible marketing opportunity.

That in mind, here are 7 “secrets” about social media marketing that no one’s telling you about:

1. Social Media Marketing can boost your SEO

What does social media have to do with search engine optimization? The idea is simple: search engines know which pages on your website are getting traffic and which ones don’t. This means that, each time you share your evergreen content on social media, you’ll send traffic to your website that tells the search engines your website is still relevant, helping you to maintain your rankings or climb faster in the SERP’s.

2. Social Media helps you know your target market

By taking an interest in your “fans” on social media, you can easily find out who your target market is! By simply checking their status updates, you can learn what products they buy and why, what are their hobbies and what they like most about other brands. The more you know about your audience, the better you can market your products or your services.

3. A Social Media presence helps you increase your brand awareness

People don’t look at Facebook or Instagram and see a marketing platform. They see a social network! That in mind, the more you interact with everyone, the sooner you can start building a relationship with your audience and grow as a brand.

4. Social platforms allow you to target and RE-target to your audience

Did you know you can narrow down your audience on social media and target only your ideal customers? Not only that, but Facebook allows you to retarget your products and services to anyone who was “this close” to become your client! If someone visited your website, but left before making a purchase, you can add that person to your list of “almost clients” and deliver your ads to them in the hopes that they convert.

5. Social Media Marketing is cost effective

Did you think you’d have to spend a fortune to market your business on social media? On the contrary! Creating a business profile is free and so is being active. And if you decide to advertise on Social Media, you can always start small if you don’t know what to expect.

6. Social Media Marketing is fair

One of the best things about social media is that it’s a fair way to market your business. Sure, bigger brands have some advantages like bigger marketing budgets and better name recognition. But everyone can create a social account for free and dedicate their time to engage with their audience or hire a Social Media Marketing Specialist to take care of this task for them.

7. Your competitors are already active on Social Media

Last but definitely not least, did you know your competition is already social? Most brands already have at least one active social media account. Don’t allow them to get ahead and contact us today! We are here if you’re curious to learn how easy it is to make an impact and start receiving new customers to your website. Book a Free 30 min consultation today.

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