If you are running a business, then Facebook ads are the single greatest marketing opportunity that your business may ever have. In this post we’re talking all about the business boosting, profit producing, income increasing power of Facebook ads for your business.
Today we’re going to show how to use Facebook ads for your business and more specifically, the who, what,where, when, why and how behind them. So we got a lot to cover, so let’s dive right into it.
When it comes to writing about Facebook ads and pretty much any marketing, we always want to start with the who. And that’s exactly where we’re gonna start here. Now when we’re talking about the who, what I’m referring to is your ideal target market or that key prospect, that perfect client or customer and the person that you’re trying to attract. When it comes to running Facebook ads and when it come to doing marketing in general, you always want to have a really clear and crystal idea about exactly who you’re trying to attract and who you’re trying to reach with your marketing. The more specific, and the more detailed, and the more clear that you can really paint this picture, the better your marketing is going to be. The more it’s going to resonate with them and the better your targeting is going to be when we dive into that.

Why Businesses Should Use Facebook Ads
So take a little bit of time and clearly outline their demographic details like age or gender, occupation, job title, that type of thing. Their geographic details, like where they live including their city or area, or country if you are selling outside the country. And their demographic details which are their attitudes, and their thoughts,and their beliefs, maybe any organizations or affiliations. Again, paint these out as clear as you can which will make everything in the future a lot easier. You see, when it comes to Facebook and when it comes to running Facebook ads, and finding your ideal target market, they’re more definitely on Facebook, almost regardless of who they are and what kind of interest they have,or what age range they fall into. You see, Facebook has just such a dominant market share position. And when we’re talking about Facebook ads, you’re also able to leverage that to run Instagram ads to reach an even younger demographic as well. So, again, you definitely want to be clear about who you’re trying to reach and then commit to using Facebook ads to reach them.
Alright, so moving right along. Let’s talk about the what. And when it comes to the what of Facebook ads, this is gonna relate to exactly what to say in your ad. Now, obviously, there’s a lot more to writing compelling Facebook ads than we’ve got time to cover here but there are a few tips that I can give you which will immediately increase the effectiveness and results you’re getting. I want to encourage you to keep it simple and keep it really, really clear. Also, make sure to be human and to be authentic and to let your personality come through in the ad. After all, Facebook is a social platform. So you don’t need to be stiff and rigid or formal or anything like that. Keep it conversational, keep it casual. Above all, you want to be strategic and make sure that the ad that you’re writing is going to help you accomplish the goal that you set out for. And of course, this means starting with a goal in mind. So figure out what you’re trying to achieve,what objective you want to accomplish,and then work backwards to help you create the perfect ad copy to do that by again, being simple, being clear,being human, and being authentic.
Alright, so now let’s talk about the where. Now the beauty of having a business and running Facebook ads is that just by the nature of your business, if you’re working in a smaller geographic area which means that getting in front of your ideal target market and putting the ad in front of them again and again in different combinations is incredibly cost effective, simply because you’re working with a smaller market size. This is one of the reasons that I absolutely love running Facebook ads for businesses. It’s just so incredibly effective and it allows you to again, build that trust,and build that community, and build the engagement, and stay top of mind that is cheaper compared to all other forms of traditional advertising. So if you’re running a business and you’ve got a good service and a good offer that people want, Facebook ads are simply a no-brainer and a slam dunk way to get more customers.
Alright, so moving right along. Now let’s talk about the when, which is when you wanna be running Facebook ads and how much of your budget you can allocate to them. Now my suggestion in particular when it comes to running business Facebook ads is that you really wanna be running them all the time. 24/7 365. Now this doesn’t mean that you need to spend a $1,000 a day or even $100 a day, or even $10 a day. In fact, you can start for about $5 a day and just make sure that you’re rotating the ad creative or the messages,or the offers in front of your audience to prevent burnout. You see, that’s one of the biggest challenges that you’re gonna have as a business owner, when it comes to running Facebook ads. And that is essentially changing the ad creative and coming up with new and interesting ideas to put in front of your market so you don’t get ad fatigue and so you don’t overwhelm them and bombard them with the same message over and over which eventually, they’re just going to ignore. So take a little bit of time, ahead of time,and plan out your content calendar. Figure out what promotions you want to highlight, what offers you want to present, what content you want to put in front of them and then make sure you’re being strategic about it so that you’re able to continually refresh it and continually give them new and valuable information.
Alright, now let’s talk about the why. And this one is gonna be pretty quick. Basically if you’ve got a business, Facebook ads are one of the greatest opportunities you have and simply, one of the most cost effective forms of advertising available today. Here’s the long and the short of it. If you are running a business, and I know you do, you wouldn’t be here reading this now, then you need to be running Facebook ads.
Alright, so now about the how of running Facebook ads. We understand, if you’ve never run a Facebook ad before and the thought of opening up ads manager and creating one from scratch just sounds totally overwhelming and daunting. I can totally get it. But this is definitely an obstacle you’re going to want to try to overcome. Simply because the rewards are well worth the effort.
So now make sure to get started. Get started by creating a Facebook ad account, running a few ads in front of your target market for as little as $5 a day. Test the results and improve over time.
Alright, so there you have it. The who, what, why, where, when, and how of Facebook ads for your business and why you should start immediately. The next step, is to make sure to put this to use by taking immediate action. Avoid being a bystander, you will be shocked that most of your competitors will start utilizing this tool specially in this challenging times.
Get started and you will wonder why you have never done this in the first place.
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